About Me



My Fitness Philosophies:

1.) Build a good relationship with the gym

2.) Learn moderation when it comes to your diet

3.) If you think you’re lifting heavy, lift heavier

4.)  Know your “Fitness Deal-Breakers”

5. Cardio Sucks

6. “There is no single way to be fit. The reason people are successful at it is because they dig, and search, and discover a way that works for them, through patience and trial and error.”


My Story:

I grew up in a large family full of athleticism and competitiveness. As soon as I could walk I was involved in sports. I put no effort into my diet or being in shape and flaunting a 6-pack came easy to me. I did not realize how good I had it-until the jeans became tighter, eating until it hurt became normal, and my activity level was slim-to-none. After winning my second Pole Vault State title, I was ready to close the athlete chapter in my life and live in the adult world. I didn’t realize closing the door on sports would leave a huge empty hole in my life. I became slightly depressed, not knowing what I wanted to pursue next in my life because sports was all I knew. Slowly but surely, I was filling that huge empty hole with food, laying around, and living what I thought was the ideal college life.

About 2-3 years into college I began to notice in pictures my weight slowly increasing and I knew something needed to happen. This was the first time in my entire life I questioned my weight and eating habits, overall, I gained about 20-25 lbs. For some people this is nothing, but for me it was everything. There are plenty of people who could work off 20 lbs easy. But there was so much more to that for me. I had a hole in my life that was filled with all the wrong things and I didn’t know where to even begin to change my lifestyle. Living a healthier lifestyle was about surrounding myself with better people, finding  new goals and ambitions, and introducing physical activity back into my life. For 9 months I was yo-yo dieting. Trying and failing, over and over again. I built up the reputation of someone who was probably never going to be in great shape again, the constant dieter, and the constant quitter. All of the doubt and negative feedback fueled me to prove everyone wrong.

Here I am today almost 6 months into my latest attempt of living a healthier life-style and I couldn’t fathom ever quitting again. Through trial and error and never giving up on myself I have slowly changed a lot of my ways and educated myself a lot about the fitness world. I don’t know where I plan on taking this but I know I am finding myself again and I am excited for what the future holds.

My Blog:

Just like my diet attempts, I have yo-yo blogged for the last 6-9 months. I would blog and delete blogs, consider posting and changing my mind. I have created this blog  because I had so much trouble finding someone to inspire me at the beginning of my fitness journey. I was trying to find an average girl who wasn’t on a strict-diet but still was seeing results. Someone who wasn’t life-threatening over weight but still had pounds to lose. Someone who wanted to lose pound of fat and gain pounds of muscles. And someone who wrote the truth of this experience,  the good and the bad. On my website you can find some of the workouts I enjoy doing, the foods I like eating, my blogging, articles I found useful, and other resources and tools. Some things on my site may be ignorant or controversial-I am not an expert, I don’t have all the answers. These are my opinions and things I have experienced, read, and studied along the way. Thank you for reading and feel free to email me with any questions or comments: london_fit@yahoo.com


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